"Write a linked list in python.."

The first time I heard this, my heart stopped for a couple seconds.

I knew the algorithm. I had reviewed and implemented it the night before. I even slept on my notes to harness the power of osmosis. But implementing one in an interview/test is a different experience.

Like many other things in life, it's hard to see what all the fuss was about. Linked lists are easy and I hope the walk-through below helps.

Define a Node class. Every Node has a value and a pointer to the next node. When a node is first created, it's assigned a given value and does not point to any node.
class Node:
  def __init__( self, data ):
    self.data = data
    self.next = None
Define a LinkedList class. In this example, LinkedList holds a pointer to the first (head) and last (tail) node in the list. It also contains functions to later add/remove nodes and display the list. A linked list is empty when created; thus there are no "head" or "tail" nodes at this point.
class LinkedList:
  def __init__( self ):
    self.head = None
    self.tail = None

  def AddNode( self, data ):
  def RemoveNode( self, index ):
  def PrintList( self ):
Adding a node to a linked list takes a couple steps.
  1. Create a node.
  2. Set the current last node's 'next' pointer to this node. This keeps the nodes linked.
  3. Set the current tail pointer to the new node. If it's the first node (head = none), also set the head pointer to this node.
def AddNode( self, data ):
  new_node = Node( data )

  if self.head == None:
    self.head = new_node

  if self.tail != None:
    self.tail.next = new_node

  self.tail = new_node
To remove a node from the linked list..
def RemoveNode( self, index ):
  prev = None
  node = self.head
  i = 0

  while ( node != None ) and ( i < index ):
    prev = node
    node = node.next
    i += 1

  if prev == None:
    self.head = node.next
    prev.next = node.next
To print the list, start at the head pointer. Traverse the list through each node's "next" pointer until the node is no longer null.
def PrintList( self ):
  node = self.head
  while node != None:
    print node.data
    node = node.next
Now the program is ready. Create a linked list, add some nodes, and see what the list contains.
List = LinkedList()
List.PrintList( )
Remove the node at index 2 and see what the list looks like now.
List.RemoveNode( 2 )
List.PrintList( )
And there you go, a linked list with functions to add, remove, and print the list. The full source code above can also be found on my github here.

Alternatively, you could use python's built-in list library..
List = []

for i in List:
     print i
Makes this problem pretty trivial huh? Go python!